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  • クローズドループ・システム: 最初は、密閉された環境での水耕栽培とエアロポニックスに頼ります。これらのシステムは土を使わずに生育でき、栄養分を再利用できるため、宇宙での応用に効率的である。
  • レゴリスの利用: 火星の土(レゴリス)はそのままでは植え付けには適さないが、加工して有機物を加えれば、時間をかけて肥沃にすることができる。また、レゴリスから重要なミネラルや水を抽出することもできる。
  • 遺伝子組み換え作物: 日照時間の減少や潜在的な土壌毒性など、火星の過酷な条件に対処するために、火星の条件下で生育するように調整された遺伝子組み換え作物GMO)を開発することができる。
  • 肥料の現地生産: 大気から窒素を抽出するなど、火星の資源を利用して、現地で肥料を生産することができる。
  • 藻類と微生物: 直接的には食料源として、間接的には廃棄物の処理や酸素の生産など、食料生産の一翼を担うことができる。
  • 昆虫の養殖: 昆虫は従来の家畜よりも場所も資源も必要とせず、タンパク源にもなる。
  • 地球からの供給: 特に初期の段階では、火星で生産できない必須栄養素やその他の食料を運ぶために、地球からの補給ミッションに頼る必要がある。
  • 多様な食事: 多様な食事は、栄養上の必要性だけでなく、入植者の精神的な健康のためにも重要である。
  • 目標は、時間をかけて着実に地球への依存を減らし、火星に持続可能な食料生産エコシステムを確立することである。






  • 自然災害: 超巨大火山の噴火や小惑星の衝突などの天変地異は、過去に大量絶滅を引き起こした。
  • 気候変動: 人為的な気候変動は、海面上昇や異常気象、生態系の崩壊を引き起こし、地球の一部を居住しにくい環境にする可能性がある。
  • 核戦争: 全面的な核戦争が起きれば、煤煙が太陽光を遮り、気温が急激に低下し、食糧生産に支障をきたす「核の冬」が到来する可能性がある。
  • 生物学的脅威: 人工的に作られた病原体や自然伝染病が重大な脅威となる可能性がある。
  • AIと技術的リスク: 前述したように、AI開発は慎重に取り組まなければ、重大な脅威をもたらす可能性がある。














Do you really want to move to Mars?
Absolutely. It's imperative for humanity to become a multiplanetary species. By establishing a colony on Mars, we can ensure the long-term survival of humanity in case of a catastrophic event on Earth. It's a challenging endeavor but an exciting and necessary one.


Do you know that Mars is a habitable environment for humans?
Well, Mars isn't habitable in its current state for humans. Its atmosphere is very thin, mostly composed of carbon dioxide, and there's no liquid water on the surface. However, with the right technology and infrastructure, like habitats and life support systems, we can make parts of Mars habitable for humans. The goal is to terraform Mars over a long period, but that's a massive challenge and still largely theoretical. In the short term, we'll need to live in enclosed environments and use technology to sustain life.


When would you like to see this happen?
Before the evolution of AI reaches Singularity?
Ideally, we'd start establishing a foothold on Mars within the next decade or so. The sooner we begin the process of making life multiplanetary, the better. As for AI and the Singularity, it's hard to predict with precision when we'll hit that point. But I do believe that ensuring humanity's survival by becoming multiplanetary is a priority, regardless of the pace of AI development. There are a lot of risks out there, and we shouldn’t have all our eggs in one basket.


You were very concerned about the evolution of AI, is that still the case?
Yes, I remain concerned. AI, particularly strong AI or general AI, has the potential to be more dangerous than nukes. It's crucial that we approach its development with caution and ensure that safety measures are in place. The alignment of AI's goals with humanity's goals is essential. If not handled properly, AI could pose an existential threat to humanity. This isn't about fear of technology but about ensuring that we're responsible in its development.


If you were to move to Mars, how would you plan to solve the food problem?
Growing food on Mars is a challenge, but it's a solvable one. Here's a rough plan:

Closed-loop Systems: Initially, we'd rely on hydroponics and aeroponics in enclosed environments. These systems allow for growth without soil and can recycle nutrients, making them efficient for space applications.

Regolith Utilization: Martian soil, or regolith, isn't ready for planting as it is, but with processing and the addition of organic matter, it can be made more fertile over time. We can also extract vital minerals and water from the regolith.

Genetically Modified Crops: To deal with the harsh conditions of Mars, such as reduced sunlight and potential soil toxicity, we could develop genetically modified organisms (GMOs) tailored to thrive in Martian conditions.

Local Production of Fertilizers: Using resources on Mars, like extracting nitrogen from the atmosphere, we can produce fertilizers locally.

Algae & Microbes: They can play a role in food production, either directly as a food source or indirectly in processing waste and producing oxygen.

Insect Farming: Insects require less space and resources than traditional livestock and can be a source of protein.

Supplies from Earth: Especially in the early phases, we'd need to rely on supply missions from Earth to bring essential nutrients and other food items that can't be produced on Mars.

Diversified Diet: A varied diet would be crucial not just for nutritional needs but for the mental well-being of the colonists.

The goal is to steadily reduce reliance on Earth over time and establish a sustainable food production ecosystem on Mars.


I see. Will the earth become an uninhabitable environment later on?
There's a real concern about various existential threats that Earth could face. These include:

Natural Disasters: Cataclysmic events like supervolcano eruptions or large asteroid impacts have caused mass extinctions in the past.

Climate Change: Human-induced changes in our climate could lead to rising sea levels, extreme weather patterns, and a disruption of ecosystems, making parts of the Earth less habitable.

Nuclear Warfare: An all-out nuclear war could lead to a "nuclear winter," where soot and smoke block sunlight, leading to drastic drops in temperature and disrupting food production.

Biological Threats: Engineered pathogens or natural pandemics could pose significant threats.

AI & Technological Risks: As previously mentioned, if AI development isn't approached with caution, it could pose significant threats.

While Earth becoming entirely uninhabitable is not a certainty, the potential for significant disruption or reduced habitability exists. It's one of the reasons why I advocate for making life multiplanetary. It's a form of insurance for humanity. But, at the same time, it's crucial that we take action now to mitigate these risks on Earth as much as possible.


Thanks, Eron. You are a genius.
Thank you! Though, it's worth noting that any progress I've made or ideas I have are thanks to the hard work of countless individuals and teams. Genius is often a collective effort. Remember, it's essential to question, innovate, and work together to build a better future.